Anishinabek mourn past Little NHL president Tom Nolan
UOI OFFICES (Nipissing First Nation) March 17, 2016 – Anishinabek are mourning the loss of former long-time band councillor for Garden River First Nation and...
Economic spin-offs from Little NHL upwards of $18 million
By Sam Laskaris The Little NHL Tournament has certainly grown. And not simply in terms of participating teams. The 45th annual running of this event,...
ONECA expanding on Aboriginal Student Transitions project
By Rick Garrick The Ontario Native Education Counselling Association recently shot videos at Lakehead University, Confederation College and Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute in Thunder...
Chief of Namaygoosisagagun says need for improved health care is critical
By Joey Krackle Chief Helen Paavola says quicker access to health care is critical for Namaygoosisagagun First Nation. “Our community’s population mostly consists of elders....
Anishinabek attend PDAC 2016 in effort to achieve equitable resource revenue sharing
By Joey Krackle Many citizens of the Anishinabek Nation attended the 2016 Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Convention (PDAC) to talk jobs and business...
Tewanee Joseph on TedxBCIT online
By Kathleen Imbert Spreading great ideas has been Ted’s mission since 1984. A global group of inspired thinkers who passionately believe in the power of...
Serpent River water treatment plant fails to deliver potable water
By Leslie Knibbs Like other First Nations across this land, Serpent River First Nation (SRFN) has been dealing with water issues for some time, perhaps...
Alumni Native Access Program at Lakehead brings people together
By Rick Garrick Fort William Councillor Michele Solomon and her sister Rachelle Johnson shared their education paths at the Lakehead University Native Access Program Alumni...
Long-time Chief Douglas Daybutch passes into the Spirit World
UOI OFFICES (Nipissing FN) March 15, 2016 – Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee mourns the passing of his friend and long-time beloved Chief...
Dokis FN youth running in Miss Northern Ontario Pageant
My name is Nathalie Restoule. I am a proud Anishinaabe Kwe, 20 years old, from Dokis First Nation. I am a delegate participating in the...
Hedican shares screen printing techniques during Aboriginal Culture Week
By Rick Garrick Rocky Bay artist Shaun Hedican shared his screen printing techniques with a group of Lakehead University students on March 10 during Aboriginal...
Biigitigong Nishnaabeg establishes forestry company to further self-reliance
By Joey Krackle Biigtigong Nishnaabeg — The community’s thriving forestry company, Mkwa Timber has launched a new forestry enterprise to supply timber to local mills...
Little NHL Hall of Famers inducted at ceremony
By Sam Laskaris A pair of former National Hockey League players are among the latest inductees into the Little Native Hockey League’s Hall of Fame....
Anishinabek Chiefs see progress on International Women’s Day
By Joey Krackle Anishinaabe-Kwe continue to excel in leadership roles and are now being paid more than non-aboriginal women. Statistics Canada says that First Nation...
Sex-discrimination in the Indian Act addressed again: Descheneaux and Yantha
By Lynn Gehl Here is a compilation of news coverage on: Descheneaux and Yantha v. Canada. These are two separate issues/case heard together in the...