Truth and Reconciliation in Education
By Nicole Latulippe TORONTO – “Reconciliation is not an Aboriginal problem; it is a Canadian one”. Those words by Justice Murray Sinclair prompted a discussion...
Fort William Chief Collins welcomes creation of an Aboriginal Peoples Court in Thunder Bay
By Joey Krackle The Thunder Bay Friendship Centre and Nishnawbe-Aski (NAN) Legal Services hosted a forum for community leaders and service providers to get their...
Grandmother receives Ontario award for taking care of the water
UOI OFFICES (Nipissing FN) February 25, 2016 – Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee says that grandmother water walker Josephine Mandamin deserves the Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario...
Share your Anishinaabe culture with Pukaskwa National Park
By Rick Garrick Pukaskwa National Park is seeking First Nation members, artisans and Elders to share their Anishinabe culture this summer through the Anishinaabe Culture...
Little NHL Tournament grows while inspiring young athletes
By Sam Laskaris Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee still has mixed emotions about one of his earliest jobs. Madahbee was a Midget hockey player as...
Ryerson holds ceremony and feast to honour the missing and murdered
By Barb Nahwegahbow A ceremony and feast has been held at Ryerson University, to honour Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Men, and all...
Anishinabek won’t change position on nuclear waste repositories: Madahbee
UOI OFFICES (February 23, 2016) – Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee says the Anishinabek Nation continues to support the 2010/30 Chiefs-in-Assembly resolution which states that...
Garden River housing policy recognized at Housing Conference
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY – Garden River’s development of a new comprehensive housing policy was recognized with the 2016 Housing Recognition Award at the...
Holding children tight and keeping them safe in Sagamok
By Leslie Knibbs SAGAMOK ANISHNAWBEK – Sagamok’s fire chief gave good cause for locking schools down during the traumatic shooting that took place a week...
Open water conditions concern Grandmother Josephine
By Rick Garrick Waterwalker Josephine Mandamin is concerned about the unusual open water conditions along Lake Superior’s northern coast this winter. “I’ve noticed it this...
Past, Present, Future: business leader urges everyone to the table to support First Nation entrepreneurs
By Laura E. Young SUDBURY – The head of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business urged indigenous people to return to their entrepreneurial roots where...
Anishinabek social leaders optimistic children will be treated equally
By Kelly Anne Smith NIPISSING FIRST NATION – The chief of Nipissing First Nation hears positive talk coming from the Liberal federal government. Now Chief...
Henvey leadership encouraged by climate change meeting
By Joey Krackle Some leaders of the Anishinabek Nation are very encouraged by the Prime Minister’s commitment to meet with Indigenous leaders on March 2...
Chief applauds bridge decision
By Rick Garrick Fort William Chief Peter Collins recently applauded a Superior Court decision in favour of the City of Thunder Bay’s application process for...
Beausoleil First Nation in danger of losing ferry
By Sharon Weatherall Beausoleil First Nation is in danger of losing its vehicle ferry if the vessel is decommissioned during dry dock later this year....