Candidates are asked ‘what have you done to assist First Nations?’
By Joey Krackle NIPISSING FIRST NATION – At the Oct. 5 federal candidates discussion held at Nbisiing Secondary School, moderator Maurice Switzer asked the candidates...
2016 JUNO Awards now accepting submissions for Aboriginal Album of the Year
Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Toronto, ON – The Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (CARAS) announced on October 1 that the JUNO Awards is...
Cause of death: Undetermined
By Barb Nahwegahbow John Fox, a citizen of Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve vows he will not rest until he’s received justice for his daughter Cheyenne....
Residential Schools and cultural genocide: The TRC Report and the Academy
By Christine Smith (McFarlane) TORONTO – A packed room at the University of Toronto listened to a talk given by Dr. Suzanne Stewart on the...
Grand Chief’s message for Election Day, Oct. 19 – get out and vote!
Aanii, Monday, October 19th is the opportunity for First Nation citizens to vote for our rights. I’ve been urging communities, over the past several weeks...
Looking for equitable share of resource revenue in traditional territories
By Joey Krackle An equitable share of resource revenue generated from traditional territories should be coming back to the First Nations. Anishinabek citizens and Nipissing-Timiskaming...
Environmental stewardship, Trans-Canada East pipeline topics at candidates discussion
By Joey Krackle NIPISSING FIRST NATION – Anishinabek citizens and Nipissing-Timiskaming candidates discussed the importance of environmental stewardship and their positions on the proposed Trans-Canada...
First Nation constitutions promote assertion of Anishinabek Rights
By Joey Krackle First Nation constitutions promote the assertion of Anishinabek Rights and should allow Nipissing First Nation to manage its fishery. Anishinabek citizens and...
Anishinabek citizens demand enhanced education and training opportunities
By Joey Krackle Education and training were critical Anishinabek concerns during discussions with the Nipissing-Timiskaming electoral candidates at the Oct. 5 Nbisiing discussion. Education is...
‘Get to the polls this weekend’ says Madahbee
Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee says to avoid the line ups, consider casting your ballot starting tomorrow. “Advanced polls are open across our...
You are not forgotten: Honouring the missing and murdered
By Julie Kapyrka PETERBOROUGH – Hundreds of people, including Elders, Chiefs, councillors, local politicians, and many members of both Indigenous and settler communities gathered beside...
Kinomaadswin Education Body board members selected
By Marci Becking The five Regional Education Councils (REC) have selected the Board of Directors for the Kinomaadswin Education Body (KEB). The new term for...
Candidates discuss Anishinabek issues at Nipissing First Nation
By Joey Krackle NIPISSING FIRST NATION – Some 35 participants attended the Nipissing First Nation’s electoral discussion at the Nbisiing Secondary School on Oct. 5. ...
AFN Chief Bellegarde appeals to Canadians to help Close the Gap
By Kelly Anne Smith NORTH BAY — Assembly of First Nation Chief Perry Bellegarde was in North Bay last week, to lecture on ‘Closing the...
Critical need for Canada to commit to renewing relationship with First Nations
By Joey Krackle The Anishinabek leadership has a proud history of emphasizing the need for government to renew its relationship with First Nations. In August,...