The Archeology Project – students dig it
By Kelly Anne Smith NIPISSING FIRST NATION – The Archeology Project has had a second successful year. Employing youth to work with a professional archeologist,...
Chiefs of Ontario launch digital fundraising campaign to benefit families of missing and murdered Indigenous women
TORONTO, ON (Sept 9, 2015) — Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day, Grand Chiefs from the Political Confederacy and special guests launched a new campaign today...
National Chief Bellegarde statement on voting in federal election
September 9, 2015 (Ottawa, ON): Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde released the following statement today: “As National Chief of the Assembly...
Dilico opens new office
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY – Dilico Anishinabek Family Care recently opened a downtown office in Thunder Bay to provide more services in health, mental...
Chief decries RCMP slowness in setting up MMIW database
By Joey Krackle Chief Denise Restoule of the Dokis First Nation expressed deep disappointment when she learned that the RCMP was at least two years...
Fort William celebrates 165th anniversary of Robinson Superior Treaty and newly reconstructed road
By Rick Garrick Fort William hosted its first Family Street Festival on Sept. 7 to celebrate the newly reconstructed Mission Road and the 165th anniversary...
NEO Kids an important project in Sudbury
As the political voice for 39 First Nations in Ontario, many which are located in the north east, The Union of Ontario Indians is often...
Ottawa teen singer first on APTN’s Dream Big Series
By Laura E. Young OTTAWA – Mary Nahwegahbow expresses herself through music and has big dreams for her music career. Those dreams will be aired...
Proud to be an Anishinaabe musician
By Jamie-Lee McKenzie NIPISSING FIRST NATION – There is a lot of talent that can be found in First Nation communities – especially musical talent....
Youth run an Amazing Race in Sagamok
By Colleen Toulouse SAGAMOK ANISHNAWBEK – Six teams of two youth between ages 12 to 24, pushed their bodies and minds to the limit for...
Remembering Dudley George and the return of Ipperwash Park
By Greg Plain First Nations people across Turtle Island will remember that fateful day on September 6, 1995, when an unarmed Native Rights activist was...
An Open Letter on the 20th anniversary of the shooting death of Dudley George
On September 6 it will be 20 years since Anthony “Dudley” George, an unarmed First Nation man, was shot by the Ontario Provincial Police and...
Birch bark canoe built and launched in Fort William
By Rick Garrick FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION – A group of Anmeki Wajiw (Mount McKay) students from Fort William First Nation recently built and launched...
First time Anishinaabe voters looking forward to Oct. 19
By Rick Garrick Pic River’s Khanena Lee Nowegejick is looking forward to voting for the first time in this years Oct. 19 federal election. “I...
Ipperwash: like it happened yesterday
By Maurice Switzer Time can play tricks on us. What seems like a hurry to some is a snail’s pace to others. We want enjoyable...