‘We see you. You all matter. You are the future.’
By Marci Becking NIPISSING FIRST NATION – Juno Award-winning group A Tribe Called Red wowed nearly 1000 people on Saturday night with a free concert...
Workshop validates 500 years of First Nations history
By Debra Huron As a Métis (Kitchisipirini Algonkin) freelance artist living in unceded Algonquin territory, Suzanne Keeptwo attended The Blanket Exercise workshop in 2006. It...
Summit helps Anishinabek move forward on key issues
By Marci Becking FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION — Anishinabek Nation leadership, Premier Kathleen Wynne and eight cabinet ministers and members met Aug. 26 in Fort...
Introduction to the Medicine Wheel reminds us that ‘all things are related’
By Suzanne Keeptwo Tim Yearington, mixed blood of Kitchizibi descent, is inspired by his Algonkin ancestors, spirit guides, and traditional teachers from, but not limited...
Key issues to be discussed at Anishinabek Nation – Ontario Summit
FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION — The Anishinabek Nation and the Ontario Government are holding an historic summit in Fort William First Nation today to advance...
Men march to bring awareness to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls crisis
By Jennifer Ashawasegai ESPANOLA – A sky looming with ominous clouds and threatening thunderstorms didn’t stop a men’s march to support awareness around Missing and...
Coming full circle: 20 years since the Ipperwash Crisis
By Monica Virtue For many Canadians, the 20th anniversary of the “Ipperwash Crisis” may be the first time they hear the name Dudley George. For...
First Nations Youth participated in events leading up to Pan-Am Games
By Rick Garrick Oneida Nation of the Thames’ Chesney Sickles-Jarvis attended the Be A Game Changer workshop at the Toronto 2015 Youth Summit, one of...
Chiefs of Ontario sign historic Political Accord with the province
Toronto, ON (August 24, 2015) — Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day and Premier Kathleen Wynne signed a historic political accord at a ceremony at the...
Innergex renewable energy and their goal – ‘Human Aspect’ – Part 3 of 3
In today’s society, politicians are not listening to the people and have stripped away the municipality and citizen’s rights of what goes on in their...
HIV/AIDS information display debunks lingering stereotypes
MOOSE DEER POINT FIRST NATION – Some 50 community members attended the annual Health Fair August 19th at the community Rec Center. Sue Williams (CHR)...
PhD candidate calls for Indigenous People to be a part of the Canadian heritage process
OTTAWA – An Ottawa PhD candidate is calling for Indigenous People to be full participants in the Canadian heritage process. Carlton University’s Trina Cooper-Bolam’s master’s...
Indigenous World View workshops to be offered
By Rick Garrick Red Rock Indian Band’s Cindy Crowe is planning to deliver Indigenous World View Training workshops to companies and organizations across Turtle Island...
Teach our children well
By Suzanne Keeptwo You may have attended residential school. You may have been “educated” to work as a domestic or labourer. You may have struggled...
Ask Dr. Mushquash: Are traditional, culture-based healing methods helpful in treating addiction?
Welcome to “Ask Dr. Mushquash”. Are traditional, culture-based healing methods helpful in treating addiction? As anyone who has participated in traditional culture-based healing ceremonies knows...