Guilty for role in IRS, Ex-RCMP officer finds wellness in traditional ways
By Kelly Anne Smith POWASSAN – Life has been nothing short of profound for an ex-RCMP officer ever since he had a breakdown. Semi-retired now...
Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point and RBC work together to protect and care for the environment
CHIPPEWAS OF KETTLE & STONY POINT FIRST NATION (July 8, 2015) – The beautiful shoreline of Ipperwash Beach continues to draw local residents and tourists...
Justice Sinclair receives Honourary Doctorate of Laws from York University
By Barb Nahwegahbow TORONTO –“I cannot think of a worthier individual to honour at this time, in this place than Justice Murray Sinclair,” said Lorne...
Ask Dr. Mushquash – How do I know if my child needs an assessment?
Welcome to “Ask Dr. Mushquash”. How do I know if my child needs an assessment? Having children can be both rewarding and challenging. Most children...
Mnaamodzawin Health Services first Aboriginal agency to be named a best practice spotlight organization
Aanmitaagzi’s Dances of Resistance takes part in Toronto’s Pan Am Games
By Kelly Anne Smith NIPISSING FIRST NATION – Aanmitaagzi’s Dances of Resistance is based out of Big Medicine Studio on Nipissing First Nation. Co-director and...
Noonaawsod is good Mushkiki
By Lynda Banning I was sitting at my desk playing with my breast – the crocheted one in the picture that is- and I realized...
Honouring Ceremony for Osgoode Law School Grads
By Barb Nahwegahbow TORONTO – Indigenous graduates of Osgoode Hall were celebrated in a first-ever honouring ceremony held by the Law School on June 19....
First Nations recognized at Grand Council 2015 for moving forward on Anishinabek control of education
At the June 2015 Grand Council Assembly, each of the 17 First Nations that passed a Band Council Resolution in support of initialling the Anishinabek...
First Peoples Studies at Concordia successfully hosted CINSA 2015
By Karl Hele MONTREAL – For three days in mid-June almost 300 participants attended the relaunching of the annual Canadian Indigenous Native Studies Association conference....
Grand Chief, Deputy start working on new mandate from Grand Council
Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee and Deputy Grand Council Chief Glen Hare July political update Aanii, The Political Office is looking forward to working on...
Pow-wows are about sharing
By Barb Nahwegahbow TORONTO – Pow Wow is about “sharing our culture, sharing our language, sharing our singing and our dancing and even sharing some...
Youth Leadership Program graduates honoured at Mount McKay
By Rick Garrick Pic River’s Precious Anderson was one of 12 Dinowigehmin – Aboriginal Youth Leadership Program graduates honoured at the National Aboriginal Day celebrations...
Eagle Village’s Aboriginal Day more than drumming and dancing
By Jamie-Lee McKenzie EAGLE VILLAGE FIRST NATION – National Aboriginal Day has just wrapped up and for many First Nations – a day was filled...
Infrastructure needs in Northern Ontario addressed at Ontario Mining Forum
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY – Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) were presented as one option to meet infrastructure needs across northern Ontario during the 5th Annual...