Enbridge looking for an ‘Indian Whisperer’ says Laduke
By Shirley Honyust LONDON — Winona Laduke, an Indigenous woman of Ojibway heritage, was born in 1959 in Los Angeles, raised in Ashland, Oregon, and...
Ontario Regional Chief calls on Canadians to implement TRC recommendations
TORONTO, ON (June 2, 2015) — Ontario Regional Chief Stan Beardy upholds the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) and its...
Legacy of Hope symposium enhances relationships
CURVE LAKE FN — At last week’s Legacy of Hope Residential School Symposium, Chief Phyllis Williams said that she hoped that by profiling the Legacy...
Taking Care of our Land symposium a great starting point
By Karl Hele SAULT STE. MARIE — Gdo akiiminaan ganawendanaan / Taking Care of Our Land Symposium organized by the Anishinaabe Initiative Division at Algoma...
Walking in solidarity for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission IRS survivors march
By KA Smith NORTH BAY – Local supporters walked in solidarity with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Residential School Survivors march in the Nation’s capital...
Ask Dr. Mush about mental health, addiction and wellness!
Boozhoo, Christopher Mushquash Nindizhinikaaz. Welcome to “Ask Dr. Mushquash”. My goal with this column is to invite readers to submit questions or topics for discussion...
Collins calls for better relationships to help Thunder Bay and Fort William youth
By Rick Garrick Fort William First Nation Chief Peter Collins called for better relationships to help youth in the Thunder Bay-Fort William region during Nishnawbe...
Anishinabek Nation takes a giant leap forward to having own education system
First Nations across the Anishinabek Nation territory have made the commitment to support the Anishinabek Nation’s Education Agreement. As of June 3, a total of...
Anishinabek Nation encourages everyone to join the Walk for Reconciliation on May 31
UOI OFFICES(May 29, 2015)– Anishinabek Nation leadership encourage all Canadians to join in their local Walk for Reconciliation this Sunday, May 31. The Truth and...
A day for the woman’s soul
By Kelly Anne Smith NORTH BAY – A special Woman’s Wellness Day was recently offered to area women at the North Bay Indian Friendship Centre....
Anishinabek Nation and Ministry of Northern Development and Mines – ‘Niigan Ga Zhaamin – Moving Forward Together’
TORONTO (May 28, 2015) –The Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Wedaseh Madahbee and the Minister of Mineral Development and Mines Michael Gravelle, met today ...
Long-haired men and boys share stories and build strength
By Heather Campbell SUDBURY – The room was unexpectedly full for the Anishinaabe Long Hair workshop held in early April at the ShkagamikKwe Health Centre....
Truth and Reconciliation walkers carry strong message of hope
By Julie Kapyrka Peterborough – The Truth and Reconciliation Walkers arrived in Peterborough on May 20th carrying with them a strong message of support, hope...
Anishinabek Nation meets with Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to advance priorities
TORONTO (May 27, 2015) – The Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Wedaseh Madahbee and the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry Bill Mauro met...
‘Honouring One Another’ – 6th Annual CIES Pow Wow
By Sharon Weatherall BEAUSOLEIL FIRST NATION – “This Pow Wow is a celebration of who we are,” said Deina Bomberry – a teacher from Wasauksing...