Ahaw, Anishinaabem – Ok, Speak Ojibwe

By Sharon Weatherall Aaniin niijkiwe (Hello friend) ..Gdi Anishinaabem na (Do you speak Ojibwe)? Beausoleil First Nation teacher B. Jeff Monague (Myiingan) has written a...

Land is from where the knowledge comes

By Rick Garrick FORT WILLIAM – A group of Fort William First Nation youth recently helped reclaim the sugar bush environment on Mt. McKay, a...

What this country needs is more parades

By Maurice Switzer Pakenham is an Ottawa Valley village of some 2,000 souls – if you include cattle, dogs, cats….and even a few reindeer. It...

Take time and heal yourself first

By Daniel Mendoza BARRIE – When it comes to giving advice to fellow youth, 18 year-old Nathalie Memegwanhs Restoule says that every day we should...

Unprecedented ruling in Sixties Scoop Claim

By Christine Smith McFarlane TORONTO – Jeffrey Wilson, lawyer for the representative plaintiff Chief Marcia Brown Martel for the Brown v. Canada case spoke at...