Looking after Abinoojiinhswi Nibi – our birth waters
WHITEFISH RIVER FIRST NATION – “As women we play a vital role to ensure our waters are kept clean and pure, this also includes the...
Chiefs of Ontario continue to demand a national inquiry
TORONTO, ON (February 27, 2015) – A Chiefs of Ontario contingent made up of leaders and families participated in the national roundtable on missing and...
Constitution development project in its 10th year
By Faye Sabourin In 2004-2005 the Restoration of Jurisdiction department of the Union of Ontario Indians established the Constitution Development Project to provide on-going constitutional...
Systemic issues need to be addressed in an inquiry: Madahbee
UOI OFFICES (Nipissing FN) February 27, 2015 – Anishinabek Nation leaders are supporting those represented at the National Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women Roundtable discussions...
Anishinabek Nation applauds Chief Isadore Day
UOI OFFICES (Nipissing First Nation) February 27, 2015 – The Anishinabek Nation applauds Serpent River Chief and Lake Huron Regional Chief Isadore Day for his...
Photography featured at Life Promotion Youth Showcase
THUNDER BAY – Long Lake #58’s Autumn Longpeter-Esquega wants to “get into art” after her photography was featured at the National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention...
Kettle & Stony Point to vote on land code
By Colin Graf KETTLE & STONY POINT — Citizens of the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation are preparing to vote next week on whether...
Anishinabek have always had a system of governance
The Restoration of Jurisdiction’s Constitution Development Project works to support Anishinabek communities with the development of their First Nation constitutions. Many First Nations have been...
Murder trial for Andrew Mixemong commenced Monday
By Sharon Weatherall BEASOLEIL FIRST NATION – Wayne Mixemong of Midland says the murder trial of his brother Andrew Mixemong, is the “beginning of the...
Anishinabek concerned with Bill C-51, the Anti-Terrorism Act
UOI OFFICES (Nipissing First Nation) February 25, 2015 – Anishinabek Nation communities have concerns with Bill C-51, the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015. This bill was prompted...
‘Public policy in Ontario must consider the Treaty lens ’: Chief Day
TORONTO (February 25, 2015) – Key First Nation leaders and officials attended a joint gathering this week between the Rural Ontario Municipalities of Ontario (ROMA)...
Column: The viability of remote First Nations communities – part one
Different Paths – Common Ground The viability of remote First Nations communities – Part One By Peter Globensky and Beverly Sabourin In our last article...
Letters: The value Canada puts on First Nation children
By Lynda Banning The value that Canadian society places on First Nation children was never more obvious to me than it is today. Like many...
Dokis’ Lajeunesse growing with the Sarnia Sting
By Greg Plain SARNIA – Troy Lajeunesse is a 17 year-old left wing hockey player from Dokis First Nation and has been playing with the...
Open letter to Canada’s Federal Parliamentarians
Open Letter to Canada’s Federal Parliamentarians Monday, February 23, 2015 Parliament of Canada 111 Wellington Street Ottawa ON – K1A 0A4 Canada Dear...