Mi’kmaw education system their own

By Jennifer Lewington  In 1999, Mi’kmaw communities in Nova Scotia won control over the education of their children for the first time in a century....

Youth to represent Anishinabek Nation at summit

UOI OFFICES (Nipissing First Nation) Nov. 12, 2013 – The Anishinabek Nation will have two newly-elected  Anishinabek youth council representatives attending the Assembly of First...

Forestry firm cuts wide swath

NIPISSING FN –Brian Young didn’t let misguided advice deter him from making his company a success. Instead, it inspired him. “I was told because I...

Women’s work is never done

By Holly Brodhagen Recently my family was enjoying an episode of Little House on the Prairie when a comment was made by one of the...

Making a case for a donkey

By Jennifer Ashawasegai ALBAN – My case for a donkey to help guard the goats is getting a lot stronger. To Ken’s dismay, I have...

‘Our ally is attacking us’: Madahbee

UOI OFFICES (Nipissing First Nation) November 11, 2013 – First Nations made their own decision to defend Canada in times of war, says Anishinabek Nation...

The first Indian war memorial

By Dave Mowat ALDERVILLE  FN – On August 25, 1927 the Cobourg World reported on the preliminary ceremonies that had taken place the previous Sunday...

Mi’kmaq consider reclaiming Crown land

  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/mi-kmaq-urged-to-reclaim-crown-land-1.2288214  CBC NEWS – Mi’kmaq Band Council is urging its members to reclaim all Crown land in the midst of the shale gas dispute...

Early Anishinaabe had their own ‘powerpoint’

By Sharon Weatherall ORILLIA –John Snake says writing symbols on birchbark scrolls was like “powerpoint” to early Anishinaabe people, who told their stories orally, and...

Disrupted sleep common in children with FASD

By Laura Liberty   Children with FASD often have difficulties falling asleep. They also experience interrupted sleep, waking several times during the night or early...

Indigenous Waves interview on education

Follow the link below to hear Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee and author/educator Niijaanwewidam Sinclair discuss the the First Nations Education Act. http://indigenouswaves.com/2013/11/06/first-nations-education-act-discussion-with-anishinabek-grand-council-chief-patrick-madahbee-and-author-educator-niigaanwewidam-sinclair/...