‘We need a real say in how our kids are taught’: Madahbee
UOI OFFICES (April 14, 2014) – Just promising more money for First Nations education won’t make it better, says Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee, unless...
Helicopter changed Ocean Bell’s life
By Barb Nahwegahbow TORONTO – It was the helicopter hovering over her head that changed Ocean Bell’s life. Just 13 at the time, she was...
Enimkii robot caught judges’ eye
By Marci Becking NORTH BAY – Their decision to create a defensive robot helped students from Nbisiing Secondary School earn the coveted Judges award in...
She escaped but lost her right to education
By Beverly Anne Sabourin & Peter Andre Globensky The Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission recently completed four years of public hearings recording...
Friendship Centres drop the ‘Indian’
OTTAWA – The Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres officially became the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres on April 1, 2014. The name change...
Helping Native patients navigate cancer care system
By Norm Tollinsky Northern Ontario Medical Journal Special to the Anishinabek News “Too often in the past,” says Alethea Kewayosh, director of Cancer Care Ontario’s...
Chiefs of Ontario faces 80% chop
By Martha Troian TORONTO – The Chiefs of Ontario (COO) organization is faced with an 80 per cent cut to its core funding beginning...
Equinox, new Cree teen superhero, joins DC Comics lineup
Metropolis’s Superman and Gotham City’s Batman are getting a brand-new colleague from Canada this spring: a teenage Cree superhero hailing from Moose Factory, Ont. Read...
A Tribe Called Red is the first indigenous group to win outside of the Aboriginal music category
By Angela Sterritt – CBC news On Sunday night at the Juno Awards, A Tribe Called Red made history. When the electronic powwow drum group...
Pic Mobert to be six times bigger
PIC MOBERT FN – Citizens of this northwestern Ontario First Nation hope that expanding their land base by 500% will...
Letter to Thomas Mulcair and Stephen Harper re: Bill C-10 violates treaty laws
March 27, 2014 Thomas J. Mulcair Leader of the Opposition, New Democratic Party House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A OA6 Stephen Harper Prime Minister...
Send kids to nutrition school
By Sarah Blackwell An estimated 30 per cent of children across Canada are obese or overweight, and Aboriginal children experience higher rates of obesity than...
Teaching treaties one brick at a time
By Marci Becking NORTH BAY –The world’s first LEGO wampum belt was unveiled at the Nipissing/Canadore Campus on the first day of spring. The...
Lawyers want missing and murdered women inquiry
By Kim Covert For Canadian Bar Association TORONTO – Few were surprised last week when the federal government announced it would not follow up the...
A sweet business on Christian Island
By Sharon Weatherall BEAUSOLEIL FN –Ted Marsden went back to his roots when he started producing maple sugar this year. The Christian Island man is...