Book review: We Dream Medicine Dreams
By Carrie MacKenzie We Dream Medicine Dreams written and illustrated by Lisa Bovin is a beautiful and moving story of a young girl saying goodbye...
Book review: Seen but Not Seen
By Maurice Switzer In his prologue to the most recent of half a dozen titles he has authored on Indigenous topics, Donald B. Smith admits...
Letter to the Editor: In defense of a discipline under threat
Aaniin. She:kon. Greetings. As faculty of Indigenous Studies at Nipissing University, we are deeply dismayed and disturbed by the events occurring at Laurentian University, and...
Opinion: A seeming intent to continue Indigenous Studies: Genuine or just more PR spin?
By Dr. Mary Ann Corbiere In a fresh communique, 11:56 a.m. Thursday, May 6, 2021, Laurentian University states: “Through engagement with the Laurentian University Native...
Book review: Did You See Us?: Reunion, Remembrance, and Reclamation at an Urban Indian Residential
Reviewed by Carrie MacKenzie Did You See Us?: Reunion, Remembrance, and Reclamation at an Urban Indian Residential by survivors of The Assiniboia Indian Residential School...
Opinion: Housing and the Economy – The framework of sustainable First Nations
Submitted by the Anishinabek Nation Economic Development Department The absence of adequate housing in many First Nations is something that you can see in the...
Book review: Surviving the City Vol. 2: From the Roots Up
Reviewed by Karl Hele Tasha Spillett and Natasha Donovan’s second contribution to the Surviving the City series From the Roots Up returns us to the...
Book review: Surviving the City Vol. 1
Reviewed by Karl Hele Surviving the City Volume 1 is a graphic novel that follows a couple of days in the lives of two young...
Opinion: Economic Development articles— Quarterly summary #2: The Entrepreneur
Submitted by the Anishinabek Nation Economic Development Department It has now been a year since the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic response brought many...
Opinion: A call for an Inter-Indigenous Nation-to-Nation University
“The rush on Indigenous knowledge systems, teachings, and heritage by outsiders is an effort to access, to know, and to assert control over these resources…As...
Opinion: Minor in Nishnaabemwin another Laurentian University casualty?
By Mary Ann Corbiere Further muddled information emerging piecemeal from Laurentian University sows much confusion on this question. Two new pieces are related to Laurentian...
Opinion: Waiting at the End of the Road
By Beverly Sabourin and Peter Globensky This April 22 marks the 51st anniversary of the first Earth Day in 1970. Millions of people the world...
Book review: Pain Killer: A Memoir of Big League Addiction
Reviewed by Adam Laskaris Brantt Myhres’ life story isn’t the type of book you’ll be likely to finish in one sitting. Pain Killer: A Memoir...
Aquaculture Act proposed for Canada
By Lynn Moreau Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms in fresh or saltwater and can take place either in lakes (open-net pens) or in...
Opinion: How can Laurentian University’s ‘Indigenous perspectives’ program idea do what Indigenous studies does?
By Dr. Mary Ann Corbiere That new program idea was first mentioned in President Dr. Robert Haché’s April 15, 2021, message, which incidentally went only...