Letter to the Editor: Minister Maryam Monsef, please stand up for Indigenous women and girls with disabilities
Maryam Monsef, As the Minister of Women and Gender Equality, it is your responsibility to stand up for all women and girls. This includes Indigenous...
Ipperwash Summer series: Policing ‘critical incidents’ after Ipperwash: 15 years of the ‘Framework’, no evaluation
September 6, 2020, will mark the 25th anniversary of the shooting death of unarmed protestor Anthony “Dudley” George by an Ontario Provincial Police sniper at...
Ipperwash Summer Series: A short history of the alienation of Stoney Point territory, 1818-1945
September 6, 2020, will mark the 25th anniversary of the shooting death of unarmed protestor Anthony “Dudley” George by an Ontario Provincial Police sniper at...
Letter to the Editor: Open letter to Anthony Rota from concerned constituents
An open letter from concerned members of his constituency calls on MP Anthony Rota to show stronger leadership around anti-racism in his role as Speaker...
Opinion: Who won the War of 1812?
* Previously published in North Grenville Times By David Shanahan The North Grenville Times is publishing a series of articles on Indigenous History as part...
Opinion: How will Pow Wows be different when they resume?
Previously published on powwows.com By Paul Gowder Pow Wow Season should be in full swing now! Denver March should have kicked off the summer season...
Opinion: So now what? From inconvenient to uncomfortable truths
By Peter Globensky & Beverly Sabourin It has been a horrific and brutal diversion. From the cable news carpet-bombing coverage of the coronavirus disease 2019...
Opinion: Tips for working-from-home
By Rhonda Couchie To ensure important e-mail does not get lost, try pinning it to top of the page. It will be in a section...
Book review: Z-Man: Darren Zack
Reviewed by Karl Hele Z-Man: Darren Zack is a brief biography of a world-renowned fastball pitcher from Garden River First Nation, Darren Zack. The book...
Opinion: The Five-Year Rule and Band Membership along the US-Canada border
By Karl S. Hele From 1876 to 1952, individuals residing outside of Canada for five consecutive years were to be struck from Band lists by...
Book review: The Assassination of Hole in the Day
Reviewed by Karl Hele Anton Treuer’s The Assassination of Hole in the Day is a marvelously researched and written examination of the rise to leadership...
Book review: Bear Island: The War at Sugar Point
Reviewed by Karl Hele Bear Island: The War at Sugar Point by Anishinaabe scholar and storyteller Gerald Vizenor is storytelling through epic poetry of the...
Book review: The Porcupine Year
Reviewed by Karl Hele The Porcupine Year is the third volume by Louise Erdrich that follows the life of Omakayas. Set in 1852, Omakayas’ family...
Book review: Books and Islands in Ojibwe Country
Reviewed by Karl Hele Books and Islands in Ojibwe Country is the story of Louise Erdrich’s trip from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Lake of the Woods....
Opinion: A terrible triage: How COVID-19 speaks to a future for Indigenous Elders
By Peter Globensky and Beverly Sabourin From causes to cures, masks to missteps, instructions to regulations, economic impacts to lost livelihoods, the coverage of the...