Open letter to the Anishinabek Citizens
I offered to write this letter to the people in our First Nations on behalf of the Restoration of Jurisdiction Department about the Anishinabek Nation...
Book review: Storm of Locusts
Reviewed by Karl Hele Storm of Locusts is the second volume in Rebecca Roanhorse’s Sixth World series. The novel picks up Maggie Hoskie’s story about a...
Performance and memory: 1832-1932 Anglican centenary celebrations at Garden River
By Karl Hele During the first week of September 1932, Garden River First Nation undertook a celebration of the 100-year anniversary of William McMurray’s arrival. The...
Opinion: Harris, Trump, and deadly political rhetoric
By Maurice Switzer When I think of Donald Trump – which I try to do as seldom as possible, especially on a full stomach – ...
Letter to the Editor: A place of beauty called Anemki Wajiw
I just wanted to thank the Anishinaabe people for allowing me the honor of going to their sacred place of Anemki Wajiw. I was on...
Book review: The Ojibwa
Reviewed by Karl Hele Michelle Lomberg’s The Ojibwa is part of the American Indian Art and Culture series. This book has plenty of colour illustrations...
The conflict of values: Who is winning? Who are the real losers?
* This is the first part of a two-part series on the conflict between Indigenous and Western values and approaches to the natural world and...
Seeing beyond the Indian Act through self-governance
Notes for an address by Lance Copegog, Beausoleil First Nation Anishinabek Nation Governance Gathering July 30th, 2019 Good afternoon, youth, Elders, leadership, delegates and community...
Leave good footprints
Anishinabek Nation Chief Water Commissioner, Autumn Peltier, spoke on day one of the Anishinabek Nation Eshekenijig and Getzidjig Governance Gathering on July 31, 2019 in...
Book review: The Ojibwe: The Past and Present of the Anishinaabe
Reviewed by Karl Hele The Ojibwe: The Past and Present of the Anishinaabe is part of the American Indian Life series published under the Fact...
Book review: Ojibwe: History and Culture
Reviewed by Karl Hele Ojibwe: History and Culture by Helen Dwyer and Sierra Adare, is a nicely illustrated work on glossy paper aimed at upper...
Book review: Trail of Lightning
Reviewed by Karl Hele Trail of Lightning is Rebecca Roanhorse’s first novel and the first of a planned series known as the Sixth World. The...
Ojibwe card games fun for the whole family
By Karl Hele Native Teaching Aids, a small business that believes in the vital importance of maintaining and revitalizing Indigenous culture, language, and history for...
Book review: The Tree by the Woodpile
Reviewed by Alex Hebert The book, The Tree by the Woodpile, has three stories in it that all have teachings from the point of view of...
‘The time is finally here to do what we have been saying we wanted for so long,’ says Dokis citizen on Governance Agreement
By Lisa Restoule DOKIS FIRST NATION— Over the last nine years, I have worked as the Anishinabek Nation Governance Administrative Assistant. I have worked with...