Opinion: Culture shock

By Kristin Grant In my youth I was fortunate enough to have lived in Europe for several months. As First Nations I was viewed as...

Terminology: What we call ourselves, matters

By Laura Barrios SAULT STE. MARIE, ON—Earlier this fall, the Governance Working Group met in Sault Ste. Marie, to discuss the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement....

Anishinaabay Inngohnigaywin

By Eli Baxter Anishinaabay Innagohnigaywin Indian Act Anishinaabay Innagohnigaywin kaween geeabachichigaatayzinoon. Anishinaabay Law was not used. Weenawa peewatayg ogeeozhitoonawaa. They, the visitors, are the ones...

Column: Brown water better than none at all

By Maurice Switzer Remember that scene from the movie “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial” where all the goggled government guys wearing white hazmat (hazardous material) suits burst...