Opinion: Escaping Despair – the tragedy of Indigenous youth suicide
By Peter Andre Globensky Out of sight, out of mind! Four more tragic suicides have struck in northern Ontario remote First Nations communities – the...
‘I am hopeful for Canada 200’ says Art Jacko on Canada’s next milestone birthday
Submitted by Art Jacko They say its Canada’s 150 birthday this weekend. Below are two statements made by First Nation leaders, first at Canada 100...
OPINION – Canada 150: Coming Home
By Catherine Murton Stoehr Canada 150: Coming Home – previously published in Origins – Ohio State University One hundred and fifty years ago, this July...
Opinion: Do we need a First Nation language law for our communities?
By Fred Bellefeuille In the 1970’s, there was significant anxiety about the steady decline of the use of the French language in Quebec, especially in...
Opinion: how do we celebrate 150 years of Canada?
I couldn’t help but realize Canada will soon be turning 150 years old this year. But as a young Indigenous person, I can’t help but...
How about celebrating Canada Day by paying overdue rent for Parliament buildings!
By Maurice Switzer Canada always likes to see feathers and buckskin at their parties. They regard Indians as excellent window-dressing. So for years, a familiar...
Keeping Indians out of pool halls a Canadian priority
By Maurice Switzer As to why Indigenous peoples won’t be out in droves to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday party, it’s amazing there isn’t actually a...
Canada: ‘Conceived under the influence of alcohol!’
By Maurice Switzer My Anishinabek Nation flag that flutters in the prevailing west winds off Lake Nipissing needs to be replaced twice a year. A...
Opinion: We’ll pass on the Liberal Lollapalooza
By Maurice Switzer So, if you had a neighbour who kept stealing stuff from your yard, and constantly screamed obscenities at your kids, would you...
Don’t throw Boydens out with bathwater!
By Maurice Switzer Anishinabek broadcaster Jesse Wente was shedding tears. He was participating in a CBC radio debate with Walrus magazine editor Jonathan Kay about...
Opinion: Sinixt Hunting Rights decision has potential for wider impact
By Karl Hele Ruling in March 2017, that a member of the ‘extinct’ Sinixt First Nation has existing Indigenous rights to hunt, a judge in...
Book review: The Ballad of Danny Wolfe: Life of a Modern Outlaw
By Shirley Honyust/ Yenatli:yo This book tells the epic story of Danny Wolfe, one of the lead founders of the Indian Posse, a prominent street...
Thin the herd, stay in your place
By Brad Gallant It seems caribou are becoming an endangered species in all regions of Canada except Western Newfoundland. I am speaking both of the...
When will the taking stop?
By Beverly Sabourin and Peter Globensky Since we have both developed a late-in-life allergy to snow and the shoveling of it, we escape to the...
Walleye Delirium, moose poop, and Foreman Grills
By Maurice Switzer Fishing on Lake Nipissing is not a body-contact sport…yet! Sometimes the feuding over who-gets-to-catch-how-much-of-what can reach alarming proportions. But, we haven’t seen ...