Why First Nations can’t ‘just get over it’
By Maurice Switzer Probably the most important outcome of the Idle No More movement has been to pique the curiosity of Canadians about exactly what...
Standing on the land can be felt on your skin
By Richard Wagamese When you come to stand upon the land there’s a sense in you that you’ve seen it all before. Not in any...
Protecting the land
The United Nations has condemned Canada for its treatment of Indian people, yet we tie them up in the Indian Act to find some way...
Racism not rare
Some people will be amazed by the editorial board’s suggestion that “racism, sexism and homophobia have become rare in Canadian public life.” That is clearly...
Overcoming the bad
By Eden Beaudin Crime is a big problem in First Nations today. Violence is the topic of many stories you will see in the media...
Feds using word games to extinguish Native rights
By âpihtawikosisân A non-derogation clause in Aboriginal law generally reads like this: “Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed so as to abrogate or derogate...
Harper should have met walkers, not Pandas: Madahbee
UOI OFFICES – On behalf of the Anishinabek Nation, Grand Council Chief Patrick Wedaseh Madahbee congratulated the Nishiyuu Walkers on their safe arrival in Ottawa...
Keep momentum going
By Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee As spring arrives and we look back at the winter months I think it’s safe to say...
Harper has picked some real wieners
By Maurice Switzer Spring is a time when I usually find myself pondering life’s big questions. Like, if cops are clamping down on drunk driving,...
Chicks dig honesty more than cover-ups
By Richard Wagamese I cut my hair a few years back. It used to hang to my waist and my wife said that it was...
Let’s talk mental health
By Holly Brodhagen Recently I was asked my opinion about the Bell “Let’s Talk” day. My answer? A resounding, “wonderful”. Anything that supports the chance...