Festival features indigenous filmmakers

By Heather Campbell SUDBURY –The success of indigenous women filmmakers across Canada is worth celebrating and the University of Sudbury’s department of Indigenous Studies did...

Bringing treaties into the classroom

By Marci Becking SUDBURY – Former teacher and fluent Anishinaabemowin speaker Gloria Oshkabewisens welcomed some 140 educators and principals to the Miigwewin education conference by...

Creating art helps people heal

By Rick Garrick Rocky Bay’s Shaun Hedican enjoyed teaching his spiritual self-portrait workshop to an overflowing class of First Nations youth on Jan. 15 at...

Learn your history, teachings and language

By Christine McFarlane TORONTO – Susan Blight is from Treaty#3 and a citizen of Couchiching First Nation but her ancestors are from Couchiching, Naicatchwenin, Mitaanjiigaming...

Role models make all the difference

By Christine Smith (McFarlane) TORONTO –Sylvia Plain, 29 of Aamjiwnaang First Nation knows what its like to be strong and to be a role model...