Seventh Fire succeeds

By Sharon Weatherall MIDLAND – Alternate schools like the Seventh Fire program operated at Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre help Aboriginal learners succeed where public...

Vote for Best Blues CD

David Laronde’s CD titled “Right City Wrong Town” has been nominated as BEST BLUES CD 2013 by Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards.  Now it is...

Fastball tournament to be biggest

By Marci Becking  CURVE LAKE FN – Organizers of the 2013 All-Ontario Native Fastball Championships say that it’s going to be the biggest to date....

Safety, friendship first for firefighters

By Margaret Hele GARDEN RIVER FN – Firemen’s competitions create friendships. “It is an honour and a privilege to host this event,” said Steve Nolan,...

Language learners want more homework

By Margaret Hele SAULT STE. MARIE – A group of adult Anishinaabemowin learners have convinced their teacher to give them more homework. After completion of...

Youth gather for nation-building

By Kelly Crawford NIPISSING FN – The Restoration of Jurisdiction department in partnership with the Anishinabek HIV/AIDS program at the Union of Ontario Indians will...

M’Chigeeng looking for ringers

By Maurice Switzer M’CHIGEENG FN – They come from as far as Kalamazoo to throw horseshoes at the Rainbow Ringers pits – and this August...