Book review: Treaty Promises: Indian Reality – Life on a Reserve
Reviewed by Karl Hele Treaty Promises: Indian Reality – Life on a Reserve is a story of Harold LeRat, his ancestors, and Cowessess First Nation’s...
Book review: Indigenous London: Native Travelers at the Heart of Empire
Reviewed by Karl Hele Coll Thrush’s Indigenous London: Native Travelers at the Heart of Empire contains an appendix that offers a guided tour to the...
Book review: Before Ontario: The Archaeology of a Province
Reviewed by Karl Hele Before Ontario: The Archaeology of a Province is an interesting up-to-date accounting of archaeological knowledge aimed at non-specialists – students or...
Book review: UnFair Labor? American Indians and the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago
Reviewed by Karl Hele Author David Beck’s UnFair Labor? American Indians and the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago is an exploration of Indigenous participation...
Canada’s reckoning with colonialism and education must include Indian Day Schools
Trigger warning: readers may be triggered by the recount of Indian Residential Schools. To access a 24-hour National Crisis Line, call: 1-866-925-4419. Community Assistance Program...
Book review: The Barren Grounds: Book 1 of the Misewa Saga
Reviewed by Karl Hele David A. Robertson, member of Norway House Cree Nation and an award-winning author, has created a fun page-turning read: The Barren...
Book review: Amik
By Carrie MacKenzie Amik is written and illustrated Sharon King, a Potawatomi from Wasauksing First Nation. This beautiful children’s book follows Amik, or beaver in...
A story of resilience: Family and healing in Garden River
By Lesa Boissoneau GARDEN RIVER FIRST NATION — My story begins with acknowledging my Grandfather Fredrick Erskine Pine who made a huge impact on my...
Book review: Engaging Indigenous Communities: Resources, Rebellions, and Resurgence, Conference Proceedings
Reviewed by Karl Hele In 2010, Ontario Native Women’s Association ( ONWA) local Anishnaabekweweg of the North Shore and Dr. Karl Hele held a conference...
Strength and resilience: ‘Resilience doesn’t mean just to fight, it means to never quit’
By Tarah-Lynn Remillard Knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t change anything on my thoughts on what resilience is to me. It’s different for everyone. ...
Shiikenh: ‘Act Indian, not Indian Act!’
By Maurice Switzer Anishinabek Nation politics was only meaningful to the late former Anishinabek Nation Getzit Gordon Waindubence (Shiikenh) if it was grounded in Anishinabek...
Book review: Black Sun
By Karl Hele Rebecca Roanhorse’s latest literary work, Black Sun, shifts from monster hunters of the southwest to a fantasy novel based loosely on various...
Book review: The Politics of the Canoe
Reviewed by Karl Hele The Politics of the Canoe is a collection of essays designed to complicate and unsettle the canoe as an icon of...
Book review: Skraelings
Reviewed by Karl Hele Rachel and Sean Qitsaulik-Tinsley’s Skraelings is a wonderfully rich exploration of Vikings, Tuniit (Dorset people), and Inuit interactions aimed at pre-highschool...
Book review: Understanding First Nations: The Legacy of Canadian Colonialism
By Karl Hele Dr. Ed Whitcomb’s Understanding First Nations: The Legacy of Canadian Colonialism is an overview of First Nations issues in Canada up to...