Public education best way to commemorate 25th anniversary of Ipperwash Crisis

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (September 3, 2020) – Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Glen Hare says the best way to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the shooting death of Anthony “Dudley” George at Ipperwash by an Ontario Provincial Police sniper, is through continued public education.
“On September 6, 1995, we lost a warrior. His fight was to protect the land of his people of Ipperwash. This loss is another example of systemic racism that we continue to fight today; working with our people who are dealing with years of Treaty Right’s Infringement, Inherent Right’s not acknowledged, and unsettled Land Claims,” states Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Glen Hare.
Since the unarmed protestor’s death on September 6, 1995, there has been a public inquiry and some 100 recommendations from the Report of the Ipperwash Inquiry that was released by Justice Sidney Linden on May 31, 2007.
The Anishinabek News online featured a summer series comprised of 16 articles that examined themes such as history, policing, heritage and burials, public education and treaties. All of the articles are intended to reflect on what happened and what is happening today.
“From the Report of the Ipperwash Inquiry, it was found that there is a lack of recognition and respect of inherent, Aboriginal and treaty rights and how these exhaustive issues together pose a barrier to maintaining healthy relationships between Anishinabek First Nations, government, and police services,” says Grand Council Chief Hare. “Frequently, Anishinabek people who exercise their treaty and Aboriginal and inherent rights find themselves under the scrutiny of not only police services, but by a public ignorant to the history of First Nations people and colonialism who have not received or sought education on First Nation treaty and Aboriginal rights. A way to counter ignorance and to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the shooting death of Dudley George and the legacy of his brother Sam is through continued public education efforts.”
Efforts put forth by the Anishinabek Nation for public education include lobbying and participating in the inquiry, commemorative events, news releases, books, teacher’s kits, Treaties Recognition Week events and participating in the bi-lateral table relationship with Ontario. Next spring will see a full launch of treaty education web-based resources.
Relevant links:
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Learning debwewin from my brother
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Systemic racism grows roots in Canada since the release of Report of the Ipperwash Inquiry
- Ipperwash Summer Series: A short history of the alienation of Stoney Point territory, 1818-1945
- Ipperwash Summer series: Policing ‘critical incidents’ after Ipperwash: 15 years of the ‘Framework’, no evaluation
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Creation and Indigenous Education: Shifting our learning from deficit to coexistence
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Treaty education in curriculum: Ipperwash
- Ipperwash Summer Series: The Ipperwash Inquiry and Natural Resource Stewardship
- Ipperwash Summer Series: We need to learn after we leave school
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Our duty to tell our side of history
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Lack of resources doomed post-Ipperwash Ontario policing reform
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Ipperwash reflections
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Treaty Commission a frustrating venture
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Alive for a reason: Talking with Ipperwash survivors about mental health – Part 1
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Alive for a reason: Talking with Ipperwash survivors about mental health – Part 2
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Community plans honour longstanding connection to Aazhodena
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Reflections on the Public Inquiry: Justice Sidney Linden
- Ipperwash Summer Series: Ipperwash Crisis Timeline